Sends all commands and their usage.
Shows information about this server
>userinfo [@user]
Shows information about given user
>userinfo @Jeme#2039
Shows information about this bot
>avatar [@user]
Shows given user avatar
>avatar @Jeme#2039
Sends my invitation link
>random [min] [max]
Generates random number between [min] [max]
>random 1 100
>price [crypto] [currency]
Shows current price of given crypto
>price ethereum eur
>invitecrypto [crypto]
Sends invitation link for bot that shows current price of given crypto
>invitecrypto bitcoin
>wc [message]
Shows word and character count
>wc Hello this is Foxel bot!
>reverse [message]
Reverses the given message
>reverse Hello this is Foxel bot!
Sends a picture of fox
Sends a picture of waifu
>weather [city] [country code]
Shows weather in the given place
>weather Kuopio FI
>color [hex/rgb]
Sends a picture of given color
>color #f66464
Shows time in percentages